JJ and Elliott have never been to the movies. I have wanted to take them to see different Disney movies and it's never been possible. While we were in Colorado, the Autism Society of American would do sensory friendly showings of movies at a specific theater in Denver (over an hour away) and it just wasn't possible for us to go.
Today, we got to go to a movie. Our EFMP (Exceptional Family Member Program) here on Ft. Knox has begun doing sensory friendly movies once a month. Today was the first one and it was Disney's Planes (which I figured the boys would enjoy). We first told the boys yesterday evening that we would be going to the movies today. They were excited but I could tell that JJ didn't fully understand what that meant. I explained it as best I could but wasn't sure myself what a sensory friendly movie would look like. I knew the basics, theater lights would stay on, the sound on the movie would be lowered and children were free to get up and move around and make noise if they wanted too. Also, we were allowed to bring our own snacks since Elliott has dietary restrictions and so it seemed like a perfect fit for us.
So we packed a backpack full of snacks and juice, and headed out to the theater.
We got there and JJ was perfectly calm while in line buying our tickets. We went in, found seats right behind the staircase since there was lots of floor space and I figured JJ could stand up behind the railing without bothering anyone.
We extended JJ's tether to Hazel so that he had more room to move around but was still safe and connected for his sensory needs. Hazel (as always) was patient and just laid there watching him.
more room to move than usual but still safe! |
We fit in. We were just a family enjoying a movie with other families. At one point a child (probably a year or two older than JJ), ran up on the stage and was evading his parents and Josh and I looked at each other and smiled, because we both knew that would be JJ if it wasn't for his Hazel by his side.
just chilling, waiting for the movie to start, Hazel is on a lower level than JJ, he is not sitting on her lol |
Today, I felt like a typical mom. There are so many days where we stand out and JJ's autism is so vividly clear to those around him. But today, he was just another little boy watching Planes, in the theater. Thanks Hazel.