Friday, February 7, 2014

Christmas 2013 Recap!

Okay, I cannot believe I am so late on this! Please forgive me!

Christmas 2013, we took our longest vacation as a family since Hazel arrived. If I'm honest I believe it was our only vacation since Hazel arrived but whatever.

We went home to Canada (home for me anyways!). It had been over 3.5 years since I had been home to visit my family and much had changed for all of us in that time frame so I was very excited to go!

Hazel came with us (of course) and as always she travels like a rockstar, she pretty much slept the entire 9.5 hour drive. The boys did great with the car ride too.

I knew Christmas was going to be tough on JJ. The last time we were home, he had just turned two and was not yet diagnosed with Autism. I was worried because the last time was the first time that JJ had eloped from us, we were at my dad's place. We were staying with Dad again, but I was stressed.

Christmas always means lots of family, lots of visits, lots of new people for my children to meet. We had planned very minimal visiting other than family. We saw three groups of friends and one group we visited after the kids had gone to bed. My biggest fear was though was the day after Christmas.

Every year, since I can even remember, we have had a big family Christmas for my mom's side of the family. We gather at my Grandma's house and there are usually 20+ people there. With cousins getting married and having children, we keep growing! This year I think we had 22 people and many little ones. I was really concerned about how JJ would handle the noise and commotion. Josh and I made the hard decision to have Hazel work the entire time we were there and keep JJ tethered to her. This was hard because I knew the other kids would be running around and playing, I really wanted JJ to be able to join them in that, but JJ gets overstimulated very quickly and cannot easily pull himself out of it. We decided to head it off before it became a problem.

I also knew this was going to be an issue for my extended family. We have lots of dog lovers in my family, including a family who had a Golden for many years. I knew it would very tough for them to not love on Hazel. We planned a short 30 minute break for Hazel so she could greet everyone and JJ could play.

We arrived first before everyone else. Visited with my Grandma for a little and got JJ settled on the couch with his ipad and his best friend at his feet. He was happy as a clam. Family arrived, JJ didn't really notice, Hazel stayed in place with her boy and it was all very calm and organized. We spent over 7 hours at my grandma's house, first to arrive and the last to leave (that NEVER happens with our kids). JJ stayed happy, content and relaxed the entire time. He talked with my uncles, cousins and anyone who took the time to sit with him. He was perfectly happy with Hazel being with him.

We did untether them for 30-45 minutes so that everyone could meet Hazel and JJ could have a break and play, within 15 minutes of playing he was overstimulated and screaming. Josh and I snuggled with him and talked him through it all and when it was time to re-tether him, I got the distinct sense that he was grateful. Hazel is his safe place. When his anxiety is high, when he is stressed and feeling overwhelmed, I think he has begun to understand that Hazel will always be his calm, she'll always be his rock whenever he needs her.

All in all it was a wonderful Christmas with family, each visit was more calm than I ever expected. Everyone was understanding and gracious about Hazel, even if they weren't dog people they were welcoming of her because they knew how much our little man would need her. It was truly a fabulous visit home and we're planning to visit again in the summer and I'm feeling very relaxed about it because of our four legged daughter who provides calm for our son.

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Thoughts about service dogs

Clearly everyone in my circle knows that we have a service dog for JJ. I'm very open about it. I've been getting many links on facebook lately about questions that people have about the process, is it worth it, etc. I think I'm just going to write it all out and then my friends can link back here.

The major types of questions I'm seeing are these; "The wait is so long! I need a dog now!" "I cannot afford what they are asking me to pay! Plus travel fees on top of that?!" and, "Can't I just have my pet trained by someone to be a service dog?"

So here we go!

1) The wait is so long, I need a dog now!

I really and truly understand this one! I do. I was chomping at the bit to get Hazel into our home and working with JJ. There is a reason why I think the big organizations have long wait lists. They are doing something right because people clearly want to use them for a reason. If people have wonderful things to say about an organization and that place has a long list, seriously consider using them because there is a reason for that wait. ASDA only places one dog a month, and only places during the school year. They take the month of April off from placements because it's Autism Awareness Month and the volunteers and trainer are very busy with events promoting ASDA and autism in general.

When you have a child with autism, who is struggling with elopement behaviors, nothing can fix it fast enough. There is always a constant sense of urgency to every day, every activity and every outing you go on as a family. I feel badly for the people we hung out with before Hazel arrived. I'm sure my hypervigilance when in the community was super aggravating for people. You can't really have a heartfelt, meaningful conversation with someone when you are constantly scanning for your child, or he's in a meltdown at your feet because he's stuck with you through his backpack leash. I probably showed some major signs of ADD back then.

But if I'm completely honest, I'm glad we waited the 15 months for Hazel. Not just because she's the best dog for us, but also because we needed to get ready. We had made the financial commitment already, she was paid for. However, the commitment is so much bigger than that. Financially we needed to get to a place where we could care for her. She's a big girl, she eats a lot... her food is expensive, vet bills are expensive and her daily upkeep is time consuming. She goes to the groomers every 8 weeks or so to keep her fur looking good (I can't brush her as often as I should because of my allergies so my husband does, but Hazel loves the groomers so we treat her every couple months), and there are many things we need to do to keep her shiny, clean and healthy (teeth, nails, shots, heartworm and flea medications) so that she can maintain her public access and go with JJ wherever he needs to go.

But we also needed time to prepare ourselves. We only ever wanted two children. We have our boys and love them dearly. People always say that having a pet is like having another child and in some ways it is but I think more like another child is a service dog. She goes everywhere we go. In our car we have food and water dishes, blanket, pillow, balls (in case an opportunity to play arises), spare leash, poop bags and more. When we travel, Hazel comes with us. We have to bring her bed, her leashes, her packs, her food, bowls, toys, her teddy bear etc. She doesn't get left home with a pat on the head. It took me a long time to learn how to quickly get all four of us (me, the kids, and the dog) out the door on time. It was like having a new baby. I now have a routine and it works and I can get both kids, and the dog, dressed and ready for school with snow gear on before the bus arrives.

A service dog isn't a flash in the pan decision. At least it shouldn't be. If it is, you may need to go back and look at it again. Hazel hasn't been a cure all. JJ still melts down at school. He still has high anxiety and bad behavior. Hazel hasn't "fixed" him. She has sure helped him though. When he melts down at school, she is there. When he loses it here, she comes to him to check on him. She sleeps in his room at night, she loves on all of us. She even helps my anxiety! It's a big commitment to take on a service dog, and often that commitment needs time to grow.

2) I can't afford what they are asking me to pay!

The amount that ASDA recommends that families fundraise is 13,500.

This amount si only a portion of what Hazel cost them to train. ASDA is a non-profit organization. They have 1, maybe 2 paid staff (pretty sure it's only 1 though) and the puppies are all raised by volunteers. There are food bills, vet bills, and so many more things that come with raising puppies, all paid by ASDA. So why shouldn't they ask families to show their commitment to the program by paying for the dog? There are so many ways to fundraise this money. Here is the list of what we used;

- ACT today for military families - grant 2000.00 (they will give up to 5000.00, we only needed 2000.00).
- Tshirts - raised 500.00 (Friends made the cutest tshirts for JJs fundraising efforts! gifted them to us so that all money from the shirts went to JJ's fund).
- Friends and family - This is where the majority of our money came from honestly. Friends created a website that we could share on Facebook and many of our donations came from people we didn't even know!
- Garage Sale - we held a garage sale at our house on Ft. Carson and got 1100.00 for JJ's service dog
- Church family - we were blessed to receive a gift from a family within our church for 2000.00. This was unexpected and truly amazing. God blessed us with that because it was the exact amount of what we needed to finish fundraising.

There are so many ways to fundraise money. The trainer at ASDA once told me that every family that was truly committed to having a service dog fundraised the entire amount. It's absolutely doable, especially when every donation is made to a non-profit! People (for the most part) want to help others, especially children with special needs. Instead of looking at it as a whole and being intimidated. It's a chance to spread awareness about service dogs and what they can do in the life of a child with autism.

3) Can't I just have my pet trained to be a service dog? A professional would train them!

This is a tough one. I remember the trainer from ASDA and I talking about this while I was in Oregon working with Hazel. She told me it is very difficult to transition a family dog into a service dog for one member of the family. It's not impossible but in researching, there are very few organizations that do it this way and none (that I have found online) train for autism. There is a difference between a service dog and a therapy dog. If you are curious, google it because there is many good sites with information about the difference.

Many organizations that will train a house pet will train for therapy work or for service work but for different disabilities. I don't know the ins and outs of this one, but I do know that our family pets in the past wouldn't have worked out. I'm not saying it's impossible but I will say, it's a route I would never EVER choose. In my (unprofessional) opinion, the bonding is different. Yes, Hazel is bonded to me but she is also bonded to JJ. She is bonded to me as her handler, her pack leader. She is bonded to JJ as his helper and support system. She knows when he is upset, and comes running to him if we are in the house. She's patient and gentle with him while we are in the community. She loves all of us but in different ways. We've had many dogs before. Some very placid and gentle, others... not so much. But there is a true difference in a dog that has been trained since puppyhood for this job.

Hazel is our joy, she's been a lifesaver for JJ and has been the most wonderful addition to our family. A service dog is not right for every situation or every family. Be realistic about whether it is correct for yours. This is a lifelong commitment to a living creature. It's not a pressure vest or weighted vest that will be out grown and either passed along to someone else or thrown out. We will have Hazel for the rest of her life. It's the same as having a child. The responsible family will make sure it's the right choice for them.

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Things I never knew about having a service dog

We're coming up on our one year dogiversary with Hazel and I've been really looking back at all the changes in our life. Somethings have surprised me about having Hazel with us. We've had many blessings (some of which have been chronicled here) and we've had a few struggles but through it all we've had lots of love and humor with our girl. Here are a couple things that I didn't know would happen before Hazel joined our family.

1. Your coat, purse and even jeans pockets become squirrel holes for dog treats.

We have a running joke that if we ever get stranded anywhere we'll have lots of dog food to eat. I carry the same cross body bag everywhere since Hazel joined our family, in the outer pocket is Hazel's treat bag. Somehow though, her treats seem to turn up everywhere. I put my winter parka on the other day (it was -8 or something ridiculous like that) and lo and behold there were dog treats in the pocket!! Haven't worn that coat in almost a year.... yeah. I have found them in the center console in the car, in my jeans pockets, vest pockets, purses and even in the glove compartment. Dog treats seem to breed like rabbits. :)

2. Dog hair becomes fashionable.

Being a retriever, Hazel has fur. Lots of fur, and hair. I have finally conceded the battle. The hair wins. I've stopped using a lint roller and instead I just roll with it. Heaven help me if I have to lay on the carpet. I love my Dyson vacuum but even that can't get all her hair off the floor. Picking Dog hair off sweaters, or out of JJ's hair has just become a matter of course in our house and JJ even picks hair off his brother. Now, before you think I have a filthy house, I don't. Hazel just sheds. Lots.

3. Allergies become bearable.

I've known for years that I'm allergic to dogs and cats. But I'm also allergic to about 10 different trees, 4 different molds and so many other things. When we were waiting on Hazel, people constantly asked me if we were going to ask for a hypo-allergenic dog. My response was always "no. I want the dog that is best for JJ and not the best for my allergies". Allegra has become a part of my daily routine and has been since before Hazel arrived. Allergies become even more bearable when the "allergen" snuggles up in bed with you, burps in your face, and keeps your son safe.

4. How much JJ relies on her.

Every morning, JJ gets out of bed, come running out to the kitchen and say good morning to me, then he immediately goes to where Hazel is sleeping on her bed and says good morning to her. It could be a pat, a hug or even a kiss (rarely) but he greets her every day. The other night, we had a terrible windstorm blow through bringing snow with it. The wind kept me awake most of the night and JJ woke up around 2am upset and worried about the weather. He wanted Hazel. Hazel hasn't been sleeping in his room because she wakes up when Josh's alarm goes off at 5am, she gets up and shakes and that typically wakes JJ up. JJ up at 5am is not good. But because JJ was so upset about the weather, we moved Hazel's bed in beside his and he slept with her by his side. Every night before he goes to bed JJ will ask us "I can have sleepover?". Hazel's bed has stayed in JJ's room. Josh lets her out every morning when his alarm goes off and then she'll come sleep with me on our bed until I get up after 6am. But JJ wants her with him and I'm not gonna say no.

5. How much we love her.

She's ridiculous and funny. She's big and has big paws. She's loud and obnoxious (when it comes to her ball play time!) and generally the biggest love we have ever met. She's smiley, she's silly. She's a goof, she's fuzzy and she's the biggest lap dog you'll ever meet. But she's ours. She's JJ's safety net. She's his safe place and his constant. But most importantly,

She's ours.

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Heading into holidays!

I know I know, I'm late. It's been busy!

We made it through November, celebrating Hazel's third birthday in the process!
Hazel and her birthday bandanna getting ready for work!

JJ has been struggling to bounce back from his regression during our move and he still has a way to go before he's back to where he was. It's been really hard because we're all doing the best we can, including him, but somedays it just feels like he'll ever bounce back. We're so grateful for Hazel because she meets him where he is. Hazel doesn't care if he's regressed. She doesn't want to rush him to progress and regain his skills. She just loves and accepts him, even on the hard days when he's screaming in her ear or throwing himself on the ground, she'll still be by his side and will still be a comfort to him through anything. That kind of unconditional acceptance can only come from a dog and she is a master at it!

We'll be doing our first major trip with Hazel in a little while. We'll be heading home to Canada and I know it will be a vastly different experience than the last time we went home. We last traveled to Canada in the summer of 2010 and JJ was not yet diagnosed. It was probably the most difficult trip we have ever taken. Between his first elopement experience (3 houses down from my dad's before we even knew he was gone) and the constant vigilance while at the lake (water) and visiting with Lorna (backyard pool = water), it was not a dull trip by any stretch of the imagination.

I know Hazel will make a huge impact on our trip this time. I look forward to seeing how JJ handles the changes with his best friend by his side.

JJ chilling with Hazel during the hour long wait to apply for their passports for our trip.

Friday, November 1, 2013

Gearing up for a birthday!

JJ was diagnosed with autism on November 11, 2010.

Hazel was born 5 days later on November 16, 2010. 

I don't believe in coincidence. I believe in divine plans. 

God knew my baby boy would need someone to come alongside him and be a help when he could not help himself. So, God brought Hazel to ASDA.

You can tell me that it wasn't like that, that God doesn't plan things for His children like that, but we will just have to agree to disagree because I know my Heavenly Father brought this 4 legged angel to earth and created the perfect timing to bring her to JJ.

So we will celebrate our girl's birthday in two weeks and at that time we will celebrate the plan that came with it. Even if it wasn't the path we ever dreamed, we couldn't imagine our life without her.

best friends :)

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Don't mind us :)

Today was an awesome day (it's not over yet but I will still classify it as awesome) because we went to the movies! As a family!

JJ and Elliott have never been to the movies. I have wanted to take them to see different Disney movies and it's never been possible. While we were in Colorado, the Autism Society of American would do sensory friendly showings of movies at a specific theater in Denver (over an hour away) and it just wasn't possible for us to go.

Today, we got to go to a movie. Our EFMP (Exceptional Family Member Program) here on Ft. Knox has begun doing sensory friendly movies once a month. Today was the first one and it was Disney's Planes (which I figured the boys would enjoy). We first told the boys yesterday evening that we would be going to the movies today. They were excited but I could tell that JJ didn't fully understand what that meant. I explained it as best I could but wasn't sure myself what a sensory friendly movie would look like. I knew the basics, theater lights would stay on, the sound on the movie would be lowered and children were free to get up and move around and make noise if they wanted too. Also, we were allowed to bring our own snacks since Elliott has dietary restrictions and so it seemed like a perfect fit for us.

So we packed a backpack full of snacks and juice, and headed out to the theater.

We got there and JJ was perfectly calm while in line buying our tickets. We went in, found seats right behind the staircase since there was lots of floor space and I figured JJ could stand up behind the railing without bothering anyone.

We extended JJ's tether to Hazel so that he had more room to move around but was still safe and connected for his sensory needs. Hazel (as always) was patient and just laid there watching him.
more room to move than usual but still safe!
The best thing about this outing was that no one really noticed us. We didn't get any looks, there were very few comments of "there's a DOG in here!" and what comments we heard were "look there's a puppy!" from little girls haha!

We fit in. We were just a family enjoying a movie with other families. At one point a child (probably a year or two older than JJ), ran up on the stage and was evading his parents and Josh and I looked at each other and smiled, because we both knew that would be JJ if it wasn't for his Hazel by his side.
just chilling, waiting for the movie to start, Hazel is on a lower level than JJ, he is not sitting on her lol
JJ spent most of the movie sitting in my lap on the floor in the aisle. He watched the movie, cheered and clapped during the races and many times he turned around to throw his arms around my neck, plant a kiss on my cheek and say "he did it!".

Today, I felt like a typical mom. There are so many days where we stand out and JJ's autism is so vividly clear to those around him. But today, he was just another little boy watching Planes, in the theater. Thanks Hazel.

Friday, September 13, 2013

6 months? Already?!

I'm a few days late with this post, but that is mostly because I cannot believe Hazel has been with us for 6 months.

It feels like she has just always been with us. As I sit at my computer to write this, the house is quiet, both boys and Hazel are at school and I have time to reflect back on the past 6 months with our girl.

Hazel has brought many changes to our life. Some haven't been easy to adjust to, others have been the most glorious changes ever. We have been so blessed to have her and to see the changes that she has brought, not only to us as a family but more importantly to her boy, JJ.

1) JJ no longer flops down when in the community. When Hazel first began tether training with JJ back in March, JJ would drop to the ground (he did this even before Hazel arrived, just ask his teachers!) and then bolt away to whatever we were trying to move him away from or into a dangerous situation (like the bus drop off zone in front of his school). He continued to do this after Hazel came, but we have noticed in the past month or so, that he is no longer dropping to the ground. He stops, but when he does he waits to talk to us. It's a huge change in behavior for him.

2) JJ has increased his communication. He now tries to give Hazel her commands (which she ignores) but it's more than that, he now spontaneously talks to people, including Hazel. Every morning when JJ wakes up and greets Hazel, he pats her on the head and says "Good Morning Hazel!" The other day, I heard from his aide in school that JJ shook hands with every child in his class and greeted them by name but he also offered to help a little girl in his class open her lunch while in the cafeteria. He still has issues with echolalia, he still talks to himself more than others, but he is developing in leaps and bounds with his verbal skills and it's amazing to watch.

3) JJ is more confident. JJ has never been an insecure child. He doesn't notice if people are giving him the side eye (I certainly do though...) but his increased confidence and independence cannot be missed. A perfect example of these new skills is at our new church. JJ has always loved church. At our church in Colorado he has Miss Jenn who was his buddy at church but she was also our family friend. We found a church here in Kentucky that would allow us to have a 1:1 buddy for JJ, his name is Joel and JJ calls him Mr. Joel. Josh and I spent two weeks up in Children's ministry working with Joel to teach him how to handle Hazel and be confident with her and JJ together before we felt okay moving on to worship and leaving the team to play. The third week, we took JJ and Hazel upstairs, met up with Mr. Joel and while we were talking, JJ took the leash from my hand, gave it to Joel and said "bye momma!" It has been that way ever since. Hazel has really given JJ the confidence to excel in new situations because he knows she is there for him, no matter what.

4) JJ seeks Hazel for comfort. This has been one of the biggest joys for us to watch as JJ and Hazel bond. I'll admit that bonding hasn't looked the way I thought it would. I thought Hazel and JJ would just be best of friends, love on each other and all of that. I really had this shiny, beautiful vision of what they would look like as a team. The bonding they have had is nothing short of amazing. When JJ is stressed, he seeks Hazel out. He will sit next to her, lean on her or lay on her. He doesn't usually say anything to her and she just stays with him and quietly lets him do what he needs to. She doesn't lick him or nudge him with her head, there are no overt signs that she is trying to comfort him, but she is just patient and allows him to take from her what he needs. Whether it is rubbing her fur, laying his head on her side, or playing with her paw. She doesn't move or refuse him anything. She is his calm when his internal storm is raging.

I can't imagine our life without our girl because our life without her was half of what we have now. I'll admit that we still have struggles. Hazel didn't cure her boy of Autism. JJ still has behaviors that he needs to learn to control for his safety, but he has come so far in just the last 6 months and I know that together he and Hazel will go farther together than he ever could have alone.