Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Heading into holidays!

I know I know, I'm late. It's been busy!

We made it through November, celebrating Hazel's third birthday in the process!
Hazel and her birthday bandanna getting ready for work!

JJ has been struggling to bounce back from his regression during our move and he still has a way to go before he's back to where he was. It's been really hard because we're all doing the best we can, including him, but somedays it just feels like he'll ever bounce back. We're so grateful for Hazel because she meets him where he is. Hazel doesn't care if he's regressed. She doesn't want to rush him to progress and regain his skills. She just loves and accepts him, even on the hard days when he's screaming in her ear or throwing himself on the ground, she'll still be by his side and will still be a comfort to him through anything. That kind of unconditional acceptance can only come from a dog and she is a master at it!

We'll be doing our first major trip with Hazel in a little while. We'll be heading home to Canada and I know it will be a vastly different experience than the last time we went home. We last traveled to Canada in the summer of 2010 and JJ was not yet diagnosed. It was probably the most difficult trip we have ever taken. Between his first elopement experience (3 houses down from my dad's before we even knew he was gone) and the constant vigilance while at the lake (water) and visiting with Lorna (backyard pool = water), it was not a dull trip by any stretch of the imagination.

I know Hazel will make a huge impact on our trip this time. I look forward to seeing how JJ handles the changes with his best friend by his side.

JJ chilling with Hazel during the hour long wait to apply for their passports for our trip.

Friday, November 1, 2013

Gearing up for a birthday!

JJ was diagnosed with autism on November 11, 2010.

Hazel was born 5 days later on November 16, 2010. 

I don't believe in coincidence. I believe in divine plans. 

God knew my baby boy would need someone to come alongside him and be a help when he could not help himself. So, God brought Hazel to ASDA.

You can tell me that it wasn't like that, that God doesn't plan things for His children like that, but we will just have to agree to disagree because I know my Heavenly Father brought this 4 legged angel to earth and created the perfect timing to bring her to JJ.

So we will celebrate our girl's birthday in two weeks and at that time we will celebrate the plan that came with it. Even if it wasn't the path we ever dreamed, we couldn't imagine our life without her.

best friends :)

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Don't mind us :)

Today was an awesome day (it's not over yet but I will still classify it as awesome) because we went to the movies! As a family!

JJ and Elliott have never been to the movies. I have wanted to take them to see different Disney movies and it's never been possible. While we were in Colorado, the Autism Society of American would do sensory friendly showings of movies at a specific theater in Denver (over an hour away) and it just wasn't possible for us to go.

Today, we got to go to a movie. Our EFMP (Exceptional Family Member Program) here on Ft. Knox has begun doing sensory friendly movies once a month. Today was the first one and it was Disney's Planes (which I figured the boys would enjoy). We first told the boys yesterday evening that we would be going to the movies today. They were excited but I could tell that JJ didn't fully understand what that meant. I explained it as best I could but wasn't sure myself what a sensory friendly movie would look like. I knew the basics, theater lights would stay on, the sound on the movie would be lowered and children were free to get up and move around and make noise if they wanted too. Also, we were allowed to bring our own snacks since Elliott has dietary restrictions and so it seemed like a perfect fit for us.

So we packed a backpack full of snacks and juice, and headed out to the theater.

We got there and JJ was perfectly calm while in line buying our tickets. We went in, found seats right behind the staircase since there was lots of floor space and I figured JJ could stand up behind the railing without bothering anyone.

We extended JJ's tether to Hazel so that he had more room to move around but was still safe and connected for his sensory needs. Hazel (as always) was patient and just laid there watching him.
more room to move than usual but still safe!
The best thing about this outing was that no one really noticed us. We didn't get any looks, there were very few comments of "there's a DOG in here!" and what comments we heard were "look there's a puppy!" from little girls haha!

We fit in. We were just a family enjoying a movie with other families. At one point a child (probably a year or two older than JJ), ran up on the stage and was evading his parents and Josh and I looked at each other and smiled, because we both knew that would be JJ if it wasn't for his Hazel by his side.
just chilling, waiting for the movie to start, Hazel is on a lower level than JJ, he is not sitting on her lol
JJ spent most of the movie sitting in my lap on the floor in the aisle. He watched the movie, cheered and clapped during the races and many times he turned around to throw his arms around my neck, plant a kiss on my cheek and say "he did it!".

Today, I felt like a typical mom. There are so many days where we stand out and JJ's autism is so vividly clear to those around him. But today, he was just another little boy watching Planes, in the theater. Thanks Hazel.

Friday, September 13, 2013

6 months? Already?!

I'm a few days late with this post, but that is mostly because I cannot believe Hazel has been with us for 6 months.

It feels like she has just always been with us. As I sit at my computer to write this, the house is quiet, both boys and Hazel are at school and I have time to reflect back on the past 6 months with our girl.

Hazel has brought many changes to our life. Some haven't been easy to adjust to, others have been the most glorious changes ever. We have been so blessed to have her and to see the changes that she has brought, not only to us as a family but more importantly to her boy, JJ.

1) JJ no longer flops down when in the community. When Hazel first began tether training with JJ back in March, JJ would drop to the ground (he did this even before Hazel arrived, just ask his teachers!) and then bolt away to whatever we were trying to move him away from or into a dangerous situation (like the bus drop off zone in front of his school). He continued to do this after Hazel came, but we have noticed in the past month or so, that he is no longer dropping to the ground. He stops, but when he does he waits to talk to us. It's a huge change in behavior for him.

2) JJ has increased his communication. He now tries to give Hazel her commands (which she ignores) but it's more than that, he now spontaneously talks to people, including Hazel. Every morning when JJ wakes up and greets Hazel, he pats her on the head and says "Good Morning Hazel!" The other day, I heard from his aide in school that JJ shook hands with every child in his class and greeted them by name but he also offered to help a little girl in his class open her lunch while in the cafeteria. He still has issues with echolalia, he still talks to himself more than others, but he is developing in leaps and bounds with his verbal skills and it's amazing to watch.

3) JJ is more confident. JJ has never been an insecure child. He doesn't notice if people are giving him the side eye (I certainly do though...) but his increased confidence and independence cannot be missed. A perfect example of these new skills is at our new church. JJ has always loved church. At our church in Colorado he has Miss Jenn who was his buddy at church but she was also our family friend. We found a church here in Kentucky that would allow us to have a 1:1 buddy for JJ, his name is Joel and JJ calls him Mr. Joel. Josh and I spent two weeks up in Children's ministry working with Joel to teach him how to handle Hazel and be confident with her and JJ together before we felt okay moving on to worship and leaving the team to play. The third week, we took JJ and Hazel upstairs, met up with Mr. Joel and while we were talking, JJ took the leash from my hand, gave it to Joel and said "bye momma!" It has been that way ever since. Hazel has really given JJ the confidence to excel in new situations because he knows she is there for him, no matter what.

4) JJ seeks Hazel for comfort. This has been one of the biggest joys for us to watch as JJ and Hazel bond. I'll admit that bonding hasn't looked the way I thought it would. I thought Hazel and JJ would just be best of friends, love on each other and all of that. I really had this shiny, beautiful vision of what they would look like as a team. The bonding they have had is nothing short of amazing. When JJ is stressed, he seeks Hazel out. He will sit next to her, lean on her or lay on her. He doesn't usually say anything to her and she just stays with him and quietly lets him do what he needs to. She doesn't lick him or nudge him with her head, there are no overt signs that she is trying to comfort him, but she is just patient and allows him to take from her what he needs. Whether it is rubbing her fur, laying his head on her side, or playing with her paw. She doesn't move or refuse him anything. She is his calm when his internal storm is raging.

I can't imagine our life without our girl because our life without her was half of what we have now. I'll admit that we still have struggles. Hazel didn't cure her boy of Autism. JJ still has behaviors that he needs to learn to control for his safety, but he has come so far in just the last 6 months and I know that together he and Hazel will go farther together than he ever could have alone.

Saturday, August 10, 2013

The zoo!

We journeyed to Nashville, TN last weekend to visit with some friends and hit up the Nashville zoo! This was our first big family outing since moving to Kentucky that was all about fun!

Of course the day was grey and rainy, but the drive to Nashville was easy and uneventful. We get to the zoo, just as the rain lightly rolled in. Ugh. We had the science center as a back up plan, because in the South it rains like it doesn't like you, but when we mentioned not going to the zoo, JJ had a complete meltdown. We had made the mistake of talking about the zoo during the days leading up to the trip so in his world, it was the zoo or nothing at all.

Thankfully the rain passed over while we were eating lunch in the car and we decided to brave the zoo. We paid our entrance fees, checked in with the guest services office (because Hazel was with us) and learned of the two exhibits that Hazel was not supposed to enter (the free flying bird exhibit - probably a bad idea for a retriever... and the petting zoo) which were no big deal for us to give up and off we went.

It was muddy and humid. I think within a couple minutes our clothes were glued to us and I was grateful that I'm the only one in our family with long hair (besides Hazel of course).

There were a few moments that really stick out for me as I think back on our trip with the boys and Hazel.

1. Meerkats love Hazel.
We now call her the pied piper of meerkats. They swarmed the glass to stare at her, and as we traveled past the glass exhibit wall, they followed her. It was incredibly funny and the people around us found it funny as well, everyone got a good look at the meerkats while we were around.
Meerkats watching Hazel through the glass.

2. If you want to really see the zoo animals, bring a service dog.
Meerkats weren't the only ones curious about Hazel. The tigers were particularly fascinated as well. As we walked by their enclosure the Siberian Tiger got up and followed Hazel. It kept trying to find a way across the little river in their enclosure to come closer to the fence to check out the animal that was on the outside.

3. JJ loves the merry-go-round.
JJ has never been on a carousel before. This was his first time and Hazel was a rockstar. The staff at the zoo were the most tolerant we experienced all day (don't get me started on our McDonald's trip after the zoo) and they didn't bat an eye as I took JJ and Hazel and got JJ settled on a cheetah.

And the final memory that is really no surprise to me is how much JJ loves the zoo. He has always enjoyed the zoo but this was his first time he has not been strapped into a stroller for his safety. He got to walk through the zoo with Josh and me while Elliott rode in the stroller (his legs are littler). This picture makes my heart smile, because this is why Hazel is in our family, to make moments like this possible for our boy.

One final picture for you;
Our Family August 2013

Friday, August 2, 2013

Hazel and JJ at the Dr. and Back to School!!! :)

This week marked a series of new things for Hazel and JJ. They had a long road trip to a new hospital, began at a new school, where Hazel is learning to work with a new handler during the day and JJ is learning a new routine and system in kindergarten.

And through it all, they are amazing. As a team, they are beginning to gel and respond to each other.

On Tuesday evening, we drove 2.5 hours to see the boys new Doctors at Cincinnati Children's Hospital. We drove up the night before as their appointment was set for first thing Wednesday morning. It was a long drive for the kids because they refused to sleep in the car. Once in the hotel, after her walk with daddy, Hazel curled up on the boys bed and they all slept peacefully until 6:45am. We got up, Hazel went for another walk and then we all trooped downstairs to breakfast. Hazel curled up under the table at JJs feet and caught a quick cat nap while he ate, she even ignored the egg he dropped on her.

Off to the hospital we went, and it was a long morning. We began at 8:30am and saw two neurologists, a geneticist, genetics counselor and two different nurses. JJ took most of it well but within an hour in the exam room he was losing his cool, and decided he needed his girl.
He leaned on Hazel's back while doctors came and went. This picture brings up so many mixed emotions for me. There is a joy, and peace in seeing the two of them together like this, knowing that he was drawing on her presence to maintain his calm. But then there is a sadness because JJ was so lost at this point. He ignored everything going on around him except for Hazel and his iPad. I'm not saying this is a bad thing, but his face just tells me how overwhelmed he was at this point.

I don't know how many times I've said that Hazel has been a gift from God for our family and this picture once again proves it. She kept JJ together. She did something for him on this day that his daddy couldn't do and I couldn't do for him. She kept him together, she kept him calm and while he turned inward, she kept him safe. When JJ turns inward like this, he runs a high risk of hurting himself because he becomes completely unaware of his surroundings and things that could hurt him. This appointment was over 3 hours long and he stayed with Hazel for most of it.

We left Cincinnati and drove home. We were all glad to be back in our own surroundings, but the week was not over because the next day was JJ's first day of kindergarten.

This has been a major area of anxiety for me. This is a huge transition for JJ and even with ESY this summer, it's still a big change because he is in a new school again, with new classmates and new teacher/aide combination.

Thankfully, we have been very blessed since moving to Ft. Knox and during ESY I was able to build a great relationship with the autism specialist who works at JJs new school. JJ has been given a 1:1 aide for the classroom. Her name is Ms. Leah. At this time, we have been told that JJ will have her with him for 2 weeks, but we are hoping to extend that until JJ can function in his new environment safely. I spent the day yesterday in JJs classroom teaching Ms. Leah how to work with Hazel, the basic commands and with Ms. Brandy there (the autism specialist who also worked with Hazel over the summer), by 12:30pm, I felt completely unnecessary and went home! I didn't go in this morning (as was the original plan) and was kept informed of JJ's day through text messages from Ms. Leah and Ms. Brandy.
JJ and Hazel coming in from recess on the first day of school with Ms. Leah leading Hazel.
Aside from a few little bumps (JJ hit his head today while trying to bolt while tethered to Hazel), so far the back to school transition has been very smooth and I am so relieved and pleased with how things have gone.

Tomorrow we have our first trip to the zoo as a family since Hazel joined our family. We drive to Nashville to visit with some old friends and we will be joining them at the Nashville zoo for the afternoon. I know JJ is very excited about the zoo and I cannot wait to see the difference in this trip from the last time we went to the zoo (in Colorado Springs) and JJ had to be strapped into a double stroller with Elliott. Tomorrow, JJ will walk the zoo like a typical child with his best friend by his side.

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

A few of my favorite things

Now that we've had Hazel as part of our family for 3 months, I figured it's safe for me to highlight a few of our furkid's quirky little traits. Now before people roll their eyes at me calling her a furkid, I often refer to her as my blonde, furry daughter but I am well aware that she is not a child. Nor do we treat her like one (okay she may have three collars but she doesn't have a college fund! besides, she's already been to grad school!).

So for your reading pleasure, here are my top 5 favorite things about Hazel Lyn Proffitt (yes, we gave her a middle name, some of you will recognize it). 

5. Hazel Snuggles.

4. Hazel Burps. No picture to accompany this one, but many people don't know that Hazel's alternate name in our family is Burpee. Not because she loves to exercise (although she does) but because 4-6 times a day, while just wandering around or laying down, she'll burp. And not a little burp. It's more of a belch. Not very ladylike but that's not a word we'd always use to describe Hazel anyways.

3. Hazel's funky sleeping positions.
I give you Exhibit A

And exhibit B

2. Hazel's smile
I mean who could resist this face!?
And the #1 reason, I love my Hazel girl is... she loves her boy.

Friday, June 14, 2013

First week of school!

It's Friday night! The boys are in bed and mommy and daddy are relaxing after a very long and busy week.

This was the boys first week of Extended School Year (ESY) and my first time training teachers about Hazel. I was pretty nervous. I haven't really taught anyone how to handle Hazel before. I will admit I hate that term "handle Hazel" because it sounds like she's impossible to work with!! Quite the opposite but people do need to learn how to lead her and when to use her to help JJ.

Last week, I had a quick meeting with all the bus drivers and the aides. Due to liability the bus company would not allow me to ride the bus to and from school with the kids and Hazel (I know I could've fought it and won but I chose to pick my battles on this), so they offered to allow me to do a training for all the bus company staff. I meet the bus driver and aide for ESY and they were able to be hands on with JJ and Hazel on the bus that the boys would be riding for the summer. It went very well and I was pleased with the acceptance of the staff.

On Monday night I had a wonderful chat with Kati from ASDA. She gave me lots of great advice about how to help the staff adjust to Hazel's presence.

Tuesday morning was the first day of ESY. The bus was late (which I expected given it was the first day!) but when it arrived, the driver and aide were great. They were ready to get Elliott, JJ and Hazel on the bus and settled. I helped them adjust JJ's harness and get everyone settled. Then I drove to the school to meet with the teacher and classroom aide before the bus arrived.

I met the special education co-ordinator at the school and he introduced me to Miss R and Miss D (I don't think I can spell their last names to be honest lol!) and I walked them through some basics of handling Hazel; Hazel is always on the handlers left, relaxed arm holding the leash and when moving with JJ, hold the tether with the leash for more security, that type of thing. The teacher and aide were very excited about Hazel being a part of their classroom. The teacher chose to work with JJ and Hazel the first day. We all went to meet the bus and I showed the teacher how to get JJ and Hazel off the bus. She took over from there and did a great job. She asked lots of questions about where to put Hazel during different exercises.

The first day was very disorganized. The room where the boys are for ESY is not the teachers regular classroom, in fact she doesn't teach in that school during the year, so she was trying to figure out the classroom and all the needs of her students. I felt for her because she was really trying hard but some things were working against her. I think both she and the aide were feeling a little overwhelmed. JJ did great during the first part of the morning. He sat next to Hazel and the class played on the smartboard (yes, apparently all the classrooms on Fort Knox have smartboards).

Everything went very smoothly until after recess. Some tough transitions happened in the afternoon and JJ didn't cope well. I had some trouble staying out of things because there weren't enough hands. Hazel was great staying with him and nudging him. The problem escalated when it was time to get him on the bus to go home. He wanted to come home with me in the car. This should have been expected by me but for some reason it wasn't. He cried the entire way home and had just stopped crying when I got him off the bus at home. We snuggled on the couch and he pulled it together for the afternoon.

Mulling things over that night, I decided to leave early the next day and allow the teacher and bus aide to handle the bus transition without me. The decision was easier made the night before than the day of. JJ had another major meltdown the second day during the morning. I did leave early but it took some convincing from my friend Jen, because I wasn't sure if I could stay hands off.  We also agreed that the third day I would arrive late and leave early and minimize my contact with JJ and Hazel to help him get into routine at the new school.

Third day came and we had a major issue with the bus. It had broken down and the replacement bus was insanely tight for spacing between the seats. Poor Hazel managed to squeeze herself under JJs seat but the look she gave us while doing so was pretty funny. I stayed completely hands off during the day and JJ did fabulous without me there. When the bus came and dropped JJ and Elliott off, the driver told me that between runs today they spaced the seat out (had to move JJ's seat to a different place) and so Hazel had more room.

Overall I am really pleased with how it all went. I'm thrilled with how the bus company has responded to Hazel and JJ's needs. I get to do it all again come August 1 because JJ will be at a different school with a different teacher and aides. He'll have the same bus driver though, so I am very excited to know that!

I am excited for everything that will come this week with the first full week of ESY. JJ really has responded well to having his school routine back and I know that Hazel will be with him to help him through the rough patches, she did a beautiful job of it last week, and she'll keep helping him.

Tuesday, May 28, 2013


It's beginning.

I'm starting to see the signs of JJ and Hazel bonding. This will be quick because it just happened and I want to get it down before I forget.

JJ was melting down in the playroom (he's been so off-kilter since we moved to Kentucky two weeks ago), screaming, crying, throwing things etc. I physically removed him to his bed room and sat him on the floor. I sat a few feet away on his bed. He continued to scream and cry. Hazel came into his room, following the noise, and she walked right up beside him and laid down so that she was circling his left side.

I moved in front of them and told Hazel "Head down" and she laid her head across JJs lap. He leaned into her and I took his hand and started stroking Hazel's neck with it. He immediately began to calm down and then kept petting her on his own. He stopped crying and looked at me and said "I hurt my head".

I didn't know before this why he had been melting down.

It's starting and I'm so excited to see it! She sought him out on her own. He calmed down in her presence and then was able to tell me what had happened to him.

This alone has made everything we went through to bring Hazel home, completely worth it!!!

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Passing it on

We've been scheduling as many of our followup appointments as we can before we are supposed to leave Colorado, we're to report to Ft. Knox in Kentucky in just over one month from now. So, to put it mildly, the pressure is on to get things in order and our entire household is feeling a little stressed about the move, even if they don't understand what is coming.

Last week we met with the boys pediatrican for a quick appointment to get some paperwork filled out and to have him make a phone call on our behalf to Ft. Knox for housing purposes (long story to that one).

JJ has been handling Dr. appointments so much better with Hazel.
She loves her boy
Yesterday Elliott had an appointment in Denver with his developmental pediatrician. We were in the waiting room when I was approached by a mom who wanted to ask me about Hazel. Her name was Betsy and her daughter (who is on the spectrum) was with her waiting for a doctor as well. Betsy was asking about Hazel's job, where she came from and why we chose ASDA over other service dog organizations. We spoke about our reasons for choosing ASDA (that they train solely for Autism and don't use career change dogs from other service needs etc) and we spoke about the process, the training, and she was surprised to know that Hazel goes everywhere with JJ.

Apparently, last year Betsy had been looking into a service dog organization and backed off when they told her that the dog would have limited public access and that their dogs are downgraded to autism dogs when they fail out of other service dog programs. She was disheartened and as we were talking I could almost see her body relaxing at the idea of a service dog for her daughter. Since JJ was with us, I showed her how the tether system worked and how JJ sits and relaxes with Hazel, which he never would have done before.

Betsy wrote down ASDA's information and I told her they were on FB and their website and I truly hope that she applies.

On Sunday, Hazel and I were blessed to be part of an Autism seminar at our church. I had an opportunity to share with members of our church about Hazel and what she does for JJ and for our family. At one point in the seminar I made a comment that every child on the spectrum needs a Hazel but more than that every family with a child on the spectrum needs a Hazel.

Today I found out that our friend's son, here on Ft. Carson, was approved by ASDA for a service dog!! I'll admit I am totally bummed that we won't be here to be a part of the family's fundraising efforts and that we won't meet whichever dog he will receive in the future, but I met this mom through one of Elliott's therapists.

If passing along a lifeline like a service dog to another family is something I can do, I will do it. I'm praying that Betsy applies and that she and her family will experience the great blessing of one of these dogs and I cannot wait to hear stories from my friend about her son and his best friend when that happens too.

Every child needs a Hazel. I don't ever want to return to life before she came to us.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

This would never have happened!

I cannot tell you how many times yesterday I said those words.

A little backstory. While I was in Oregon, training with Hazel, last month I drove a Subaru Forester and LOVED it. Seriously loved it. I told my husband this but knew it was futile. We have a Ford F150 SuperCrew that my husband loves and I hate (it hates me too btw). Anyways, when I got home from Oregon you can imagine my surprise when my husband tells me he has been window shopping for a smaller car with more interior room! Total shocker for me that Josh would be willing to get rid of his beloved truck!

Enter, car shopping. Now, for those of you who actually know us, you know that we are HUGE Dave Ramsey fans. We are DEBT FREE since August 2012 and intend to stay that way. We don't use credit, we don't finance, if we can't afford it.... we don't buy it. So that is always fun while car shopping. Dealerships make their money on financing. The pressure to finance is insane but oddly we have found that people are pretty respectful when you tell them you don't do debt.

Cash is King baby!

So two solid weeks of car shopping online, three days of test driving etc and yesterday we decided to go look at two cars (one we had already looked at and knew we liked, the other was an unknown). The unknown car ended up being in Denver. We took the kids with us yesterday because part of our reason for a new car is Hazel. She is cramped in the back of the truck (I mean she is 75lbs and TALL!) so she needed more space to lay in and be comfortable.

We were grateful to work with the same sales lady that we did on Saturday and we let both kids and Hazel jump into the potential new vehicle. Hazel first laid totally flat on her side on the backseat floor! She's never done that in the truck. The deal maker though was watching her curl up into a ball behind the drivers seat on the floor and she just stayed there for the rest of the time we were in the car. That was it, the car is what we need.

We went into the dealership to sign paperwork and this is how JJ sat for almost 2 hours.
chilling playing angry birds while leaning on Hazel.
He changed position quite a bit (laying on his stomach on the floor or sitting etc) but he didn't try to bolt, he didn't whine or fuss about how long it was taking, and the biggest breakthrough for us, he chose to sit right beside her like this. He occasionally rubbed her back leg but he just sat with her, calmly.

It was wonderful!!

The next part of my story was doing groceries. After a quick dinner last night we went to the commissary. We were dangerously low on food (we've been a bit preoccupied lately) and it was time to restock. So off we went, plus the boys really wanted a ride in the new car! It was BUSY! I don't know why it was so busy being the middle of the pay period, I would expect that much traffic on payday in the commissary but JJ and Hazel were amazing! JJ walked calmly with us through the store, and stood in line at the commissary for 20 minutes with astonishing patience! I was so proud of him. Occasionally he sat down but it wasn't a flopping to the ground in irritation, he was just tired of standing. I'll admit I wanted to sit with him a couple of times too haha!

Before Hazel, neither of these situations would have happened. The boys would have stayed home with respite while we bought the car. Josh or I would have gone alone to the commissary after the boys were in bed. We wouldn't have done these things with the boys because this calmness would never have happened before Hazel.

Hazel has been home with us for a month, today. I never expected our lives to change this quickly but in the space of 4 weeks, life has changed completely. We have freedom, and peace when we go out. Don't get me wrong, it's not perfect. JJ still tantrums in public but it's less and less now. He can work through things easier with Hazel by his side and he's slowing down to tell us what he needs.

This never would have happened, but it's happening now.

Thursday, April 4, 2013

A day in the life of Hazel

I'm sure many people are wondering, "what does she do all day?".

Here is a brief look at a typical day for Hazel.

As soon as we wake up in the morning, which is usually around 6:30am with the cannon (I'm serious it's a cannon) going off, Hazel is let out of JJ and Elliott's room and we go for a 30-40 minute walk depending on whether we actually got up with the cannon or pulled the pillow over our heads.

Once we're back from walk, the boys are usually up and eating breakfast and Hazel gets to do the same. So she'll lay down and wait until given permission to eat her breakfast. After breakfast it's time for her supplements. She gets 2 preventative glucosamine/chondrotin tablets covered in peanut butter and one fish oil capsule that we have started to give her every other day (she was starting to smell really fishy haha!).

After that she gets to relax and take it easy while JJ gets dressed. Some mornings however (like this morning actually), it's grooming time! So this morning Hazel and I went outside and brushed (the birds love the fur for their nests haha!) and then came inside and did her nails (love the dremel!). She just got over an ear infection (JJ also gets them when coming back to our high altitude here in Colorado) so we cleaned her ears with a standard cleaning solution. After grooming time this morning, it was time to get into her pack (getting dressed) and get ready for the bus.
All dressed up and waiting for the school bus!

Today JJ struggled getting onto the school bus to head to school. When JJ struggles, he drops to the ground and just goes dead weight. This is much easier to cope with when he is attached to Hazel because he cannot then bolt (as he used to do) either back towards the house, or into a dangerous situation like traffic! Hazel calmly waits for him, while we help him to get up and ask him to grab his handle. We did finally all get on the bus where I gave Hazel's leash to the bus aide and she got Hazel situated under JJ's seat.
Hazel under JJ's seat, taken by Kati while she was here training with us.
For safety reasons, JJ and Hazel are not tethered in a vehicle. If there were an accident, both need to be separate so they can be removed safely and then tethered once out of the situation. As you can see in the picture, the tether that JJ would normally wear is around the leg of the bus. This is not because she is running around out of control, this is simply for her safety because she's on a slippery bus floor and she's furry, she slides a bit!

Once they are at school, JJ's "transition" aide collects them from the bus and they move through their school day routine. JJ's "transition" aide is not a 1:1 aide for JJ in the classroom, we call her the "Transition" aide because she is only with him for the difficult transitions of getting off the bus and getting back on the bus. These areas are when he needs Hazel and consistency the most and the school has been wonderful to provide JJ with the same aide daily for these routines.

JJ and Hazel at school. This was taken by Kati during her training time with us.

Once JJ is back on the bus to come home, I meet them at the end of our driveway and lead JJ and Hazel back into our house. This is where the daily routine changes based on the day.

Some days JJ will have therapy in home during the afternoons. Other days we have doctor appointments or clinic based therapy that require us all to load up into the car and head out together.

Yesterday was a doctor appointment day. So we drove to Denver as a family  for the boys to have some procedures done. Hazel and JJ are not tethered in the car, although JJ wears his tether while in his carseat, it is unattached from Hazel's pack. This allows her to get  comfortable, especially on a longer trip.

On our way to Denver yesterday, JJ was watching a movie while Hazel grabbed a nap.
 JJ and Hazel are tethered any time they are out of a vehicle and working. The tether connects to a belt that goes through JJ's belt loops on his pants, or just around his waist if in track pants. The belt does not hurt him in anyway, even when he drops to the ground, it is just a nylon belt (like a typical nylon leash).
Taken from first day of tether training with Kati, this is what the tether system looks like!
Once we get home from wherever we are going in the afternoon, Hazel gets out of her pack and is told "free!". She then rolls around on the floor in the living room, runs with her face along the carpet and generally acts like a goofball. She then will get to play ball in the green space behind our house. You can watch her playing at this link; Hazel playing ball.

The late afternoons tend to be lower key since the boys are resting after the day. She eats dinner after we do and gets to chew on a bone or play with her bear. Hazel goes to bed with the boys but we bring her back out after they are asleep. This is her time to rest with us while we watch TV or work around the house, she plays, snuggles with us or just snoozes on the floor (or couch!).

Once we get ready for bed, she goes back into the boys room and up onto JJ's bed where she is for the rest of the night.
And then we start all over the next day!!

She has a good life, she's a busy girl and she loves her job.

Monday, April 1, 2013

Does it work?

Yes it does. For us life has been about survival. However, we have noticed that survival has become easier and even enjoyable in the last couple of weeks and we place that firmly on Hazel's shoulders.

I know people are probably like "how can it happen so quickly?!" Well, let me tell you what I see.

I see a little boy who walks next to his dog, calmly and (mostly) quietly. I see a little boy who can more easily transition away from a highly preferred activity (ie. playing with trains in Toys R Us) by clipping into his dogs pack and then move along to the next thing.

I see a little boy who sleeps sounder and longer with his dog on his bed with him. There have been fewer "potty breaks" overnight for JJ since Hazel began sleeping on his bed. I see a little boy who talks more, expresses himself more and spontaneously tells me he loves me. When he does drop down while walking next to Hazel, he tells us what he needs, it's not a meltdown anymore, it's a conversation!

I don't know how it can happen so quickly. I just know that it has. Hazel's constant presence in JJ's life seems to make a big difference for him now. This spring break has been the most painless break from school that we have ever had! I have enjoyed having my children around. The few excursions (again because we couldn't tether JJ after his surgery) we took, were smooth and we all enjoyed our time together.

Eating in a restaurant is a joy with JJ now. It's no longer the world of drive thru (although trying to find a place open yesterday with milkshakes was almost a nightmare but JJ endured it very well!) and we can eat out as a family or even just me and the boys now.

So has Hazel changed our lives? Absofreakinglutely!

Sunday, March 31, 2013

Happy Easter!!

This week has been a tough one for all of us since surgery. The boys have done great but we, as a family, have been really limited on outings because of not being able to tether JJ and Hazel.

After a exciting and fun day with one of their friends yesterday, we decided to leave the boys at home with a babysitter and take Hazel to church to work on some of her commands without JJ yanking on her pack to go somewhere. We had always planned to attend one of the Saturday services (a routine change for JJ) instead of a Sunday service this weekend because of the high number of expected visitors. JJ's Sunday School classroom is already high insanity for him, and to add new, visiting children to the mix would've been really tough on JJ, and Jenn who would be handling Hazel solo for the first time.

So the boys and Jenn hung out at our house and had a ball together. Hazel came to church.

So from our house to yours, Happy Easter. He is Risen!!

Happy Easter!!

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Surgery Day!

The timing for Hazel's placement was a little tough because we were right up against Spring Break for JJ's school. So once Kati's week here in Colorado Springs was complete, JJ had one day of school before a week off.

Spring Break has been filled with different medical appointments for JJ. On Monday we drove up to Denver to see his Developmental Pediatrician, and Tuesday both of the boys had surgery scheduled. The boys had umbilical hernias that needed to be repaired, and so we decided that doing it while JJ was already on break (and at the same time) made the most sense. If you have one child that feels like poop and the other one is fine, that can be more hectic than both kiddos feeling crummy.

So, surgery day dawned bright and early for us. The boys were allowed nothing by mouth after 7am so they were pretty fussy about not eating breakfast. We all got ready (boys stayed in their pajamas) and headed off to the hospital. We got checked in and started doing vitals. Josh was to stay with Elliott for the morning and JJ and Hazel were with me. JJ did not handle the vitals process very well, he really wanted to stay with the toys in the waiting room. But thankfully we have a little notepad in Hazel's pack with a pen that allows us to create a list for him (he LOVES lists) and that got him through the process and into his room without too much of a fight. I am so grateful for that tether, it definitely kept him from running away or scattering medical instruments when he had to stay by Hazel's side.

While we were going over paperwork and anesthesia protocols, we found out that surgery would be delayed at least 2 hours. I'll admit my immediate reaction was anger, what on earth were we going to do with the boys for at least 2 hours when they haven't eaten, can't eat and are already overstimulated from everything going on around them.

There are three major things I was thankful for during this day. My friend Trish, who had always planned on visiting us and before we even learned about the delay, had arrived with a big gift bag with books and a turtle that shines stars on the ceiling. The boys were thrilled to see her and thrilled with the gifts!

I was so thankful for my husband. I do not know how we would have made it through this day without him. I certainly could not have been on my own with the kids on this day.

Lastly, I was so grateful for Hazel. Her calm, peaceful presence while laying on the floor of the hospital room with the boys helped keep all of us calm during those hours.

Surgery ended up starting almost 3 hours late but it did finally happen. Elliott was in first, followed by JJ (the boys had the same surgeon). The nurses were wonderful about Hazel and one of them stayed in the hallway with her (she wasn't allowed in the OR due to sterility) while I went with JJ for his anesthesia. Hazel stayed with Elliott and Josh while JJ was in recovery (again she was not allowed in due to potential emergencies) but as soon as JJ was wheeled back into his room she was right there.

Once the nurse wheeled his bed back into his room, Josh brought her through the bathroom (adjoining rooms for the boys) into JJs room. She went straight to him and started sniffing his face. He was still pretty groggy from the anesthesia and wasn't sure what she was doing so he kept trying to brush her away. She then took up position close to the bed and stayed there.

Taken an hour after waking up, she was there the entire time.
JJ and Elliott both handled surgery well. They didn't fuss too badly about the IVs or about their stomachs hurting. Two days out and they are in great shape. The rest of that afternoon was very low key at home. The boys rested, ate toast and watched TV.

We won't be able to tether JJ to Hazel for a few days now because of where his incision is, but Hazel will still accompany us everywhere we go and JJ still wants "his handle". Today the boys will head to OT (not allowed in the sensory gym though, too much potential for injury) and that will actually be their first outing since surgery. I'm so glad that Hazel was with us for the surgery for JJ, it was a huge day full of strange transitions and new things and he navigated it beautifully because of Hazel and the amazing nursing staff at our hospital.

the boys on the way home from the hospital. Not looking too spry back there.

Friday, March 22, 2013

Kati's Last Day

So yesterday was Kati's final day with us here in Colorado Springs but we definitely kept busy!

I was at the school yesterday to observe JJ and Hazel in the classroom together. I had the staff laughing as I was stealthing around the building to keep JJ from seeing me. The problem with this week is that he didn't have a normal day of routine all week. The first day of training in school, they had a puppet show by the local zoo, on day 2 they had a nutrition presentation in the classroom which was not usual. The day I visited, the zoo was back with animals for the kids to meet and again, this was a big deviation from the typical schedule.

However, JJ seemed to be in good spirits and although he was definitely struggling behaviorally, it wasn't a surprise given the changes. Life has been so busy for all of us in the past few weeks that he has been struggling with all of the changes that has brought his way.

JJ had a good day in school though, both he and Hazel did a great job with the zoo animals, I'll admit I was a little nervous when the brought out the skunk, but they were both calm and relaxed. JJ went through his day without any major issues. He has always struggled with transitions and he definitely was testing his boundaries yesterday, he will continue to test boundaries for a while I think until he is used to Hazel being a part of his routine and his life. Kati did tell me yesterday that at one point, JJ sought Hazel by leaning against her. This was so encouraging to me!

JJ petting Tigerlily, the skunk, while Hazel patiently watches

After school yesterday (which JJ never did see me by the way!) JJ and Elliott had Occupational Therapy at their clinic. So off we all trucked in the car. JJ did great in the clinic, at first he stayed tethered to Hazel, playing on his iPad but after a bit he wanted to go play with the toys in the waiting room. His OT, Miss Lisa, came and we all went downstairs to the sensory gym (we figured some good heavy work would be the biggest benefit for him). JJ had a great time in the gym and when we reclipped him to Hazel, he was ready to go. The hardest part for JJ leaving the OT clinic is getting his sticker, because of where they are kept, he often wants to dart into other therapy rooms because of the toys he sees. Today was the first day that he couldn't do that. He handled that very well actually.

After therapy, Josh wanted to go to Barnes and Noble to check for a book. Off we all went. JJ was a rockstar in B&N. We went to the children's section with Hazel and we picked a Thomas stage 2 book and JJ sat nicely and read the book to Hazel and me.
JJ reading to us

We went through Starbucks (mommy needed caffeine) and then headed for home. We did pick up a couple of awesome busy books for JJ and Elliott while at Barnes and Noble. They are a story book that comes with a play mat and also with little toys from that book. JJ got a Thomas book (of course) and Elliott wanted Toy Story.

We decided to go out for dinner with Kati that night as it was her last night and then she joined us briefly back at our house to say goodbye. It was tough to say bye to her. JJ and Elliott really loved her and enjoyed their time with her. This entire training experience was so amazing and overwhelming and yet empowering. There is a panic with that much information thrown at you, yet as you go and continue working through things, it becomes manageable and second nature. I pray that Hazel will acclimate to us and that JJ will continue to seek her out and bond with her. I pray that we have patience with her and with ourselves as we are all on this journey together.

Our family!

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Thank you

Today was Kati's last day with us. I'll post about it tomorrow I promise, but tonight I have something I need to post before I lose the emotions that I have right now.

Hugging Kati as she was leaving our house, I cried (as I knew I would) and my last words during that hug were, "thank you for her".

After Kati left, and we got the boys in bed it hit me. Kati was the one who ultimately delivered Hazel to me, she's the one that oversaw her training and her raising to become the amazing dog that she is but there are so many people who put their paws in to raise this girl to be our girl; to be JJs best friend, to give us hope for his future.

So here's to all of you. I know many of you but I don't know all who had a hand in Hazel's life. So, forgive me if I miss anyone.

Thank you Jan and Kevin for raising this puppy and teaching her the basics of being a dog in a human world, and how to fit in and behave in a way that will help a child with autism. Thank you for your patience with the puppy who I bet was a trial at times and a handful at other times.

Talia and Kellan, thank you for partnering with Jan and Kevin to help Hazel grow into the amazing dog that she is.

Thank you Beth and family for giving her the social/school training. For letting her swim and keeping her oh so very pretty! Thank you again for loving her and keeping her on the straight and narrow haha! Thank you for always posting pictures of the dogs you have, I know I really appreciated it and I'm sure other families will too!

Thank you Lindsay for Hazel's final training. For teaching her the advanced skills and keeping me well stocked with pictures of our girl, since we knew who was coming for JJ when you had her.  Thank you for sharing stories about Hazel and for loving on her.

There are a couple more, Katelyn and Hannah that were part of Hazel's puppy raiser team but I didn't get to meet them while in OR. Thank you as well!

Laurel, while I know you weren't a puppy raiser for Hazel directly, I cannot thank you enough for all you do for ASDA. Thank you for the chats while we were fundraising, for always encouraging us during that stressful time and for keeping us in letters when the school district wanted them hahaha!!

Kati, I have no words. Truly I don't. Thank you is about all I can come up with but there is a depth to those words that another mom who has suddenly been tossed a life line for her child will understand. Thank you.

For all of Hazel's puppy raisers the last thing I want to thank you for is probably the hardest thing you do.

Thank you for loving her and then letting her go.

Thank you for teaching her, nurturing her and then (though I'm sure it kills you inside) sending her off into the unknown (to you) to do her job with a child. Thank you. Thank you for trusting us with her, I swear, we will not let you down!

I sit here, with JJ sleeping peacefully in his bed upstairs and Hazel conked out on her bed next to my computer, with tears in my eyes.  Thank you for our girl. Thank you all for the hope you have given our family. Thank you for making us seem more "normal" in the outside world, even if it means a 75lb golden retriever is now a third child in our family.

Thank you for making a moment like this;


We love you all, and you are forever part of our family.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013


One thing about a service dog is that you are pretty obvious while out in the community! So, you get many people asking you questions (at opportune and inopportune times I might add haha) about the dog, the process and what the dog does.

So here are some of the top questions I have been asked in the past couple weeks.

1) They train dogs for autism?
Yes. Yes they do.

2) What are the dogs trained for or what do they do for someone with autism?
Well the number one reason we looked at an autism service dog for our son was for the safety factor. There is the physical tether that keeps Hazel and JJ together. JJ isn't going far when he's tethered to Hazel and this provides all of us with a sense of security while out in the community. Also, the dogs are trained from puppyhood around children with autism, they don't startle easily and therefore can be a constant in the child's life. For us this last part was very important as we are a military family and expect to move frequently in JJ's life. The dogs, however, are not robots and cannot be used as a babysitter or expected to be on duty 24/7.

3) Was the fundraising hard?
Yes and No. $13,500 is a huge amount of money to raise for a dog, so in many ways it feels huge and daunting and freaking impossible!! But once you set your mind to it, it feels a little more manageable. We finished ours in 8 months. It was incredible to us but there are so many ways to fundraise. If you have family that work for a company who will donation match that helps, there are organizations that provide grants for things like this, many restaurants will donate a portion of sales from a specific night to a fundraising effort, family and friends can be very generous and don't discount word of mouth! We had donations from people we have never met and some that we don't even know who they are or how they are connected to us! The biggest thing that we did was have a webpage that was hosted by amazing friends of ours that contained a widget that we would update. It shared JJ's story and how a service dog would help him. We linked that webpage everywhere we could, the more you get your story out there, the more people will help!

4) Does the dog go everywhere with you?
Yup. Everywhere JJ goes, Hazel goes too. Hazel is a fully certified service animal and therefore is covered by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). She is not an emotional support animal, she is not a therapy animal, which are not covered by the ADA to the same extent. She has a purpose and jobs/tasks that she does to help JJ. Anytime JJ steps out of our house, Hazel will be next to him. This is why we wanted her so this is the job she will do. She comes to restaurants (ADA trumps local health laws), to movies, to church, to school, to the grocery store and the list goes on.

Those are the top ones I've been asked. Autism Service Dogs of America have more FAQs on their webpage and you can find them here :)

Tethering Days are here!

On Sunday morning we began the tethering process for JJ. Our plan was to do a quick run in to the commissary (to pick up a motivating treat for JJ) and then head to church as church is something JJ really loves.

I will admit that the tether training was the part of the entire training that made me anxious. I mean, let's take an active, strong willed child with autism and tie him to a dog!! I think I knew deep down that it would work but as is my personality, I braced and prepared for the worst (the worst being meltdowns, screaming, kicking, and hitting) and it never came.

Kati arrived Sunday morning and we prepped Hazel's pack with the tether. We then introduced JJ to his belt. He was completely calm about the entire situation. He stood still for us to put his belt on (he did quickly learn how to unclip it though!) and then attached him to the tether that attaches to Hazel's pack. He grabbed his handle and we were off to the truck!

Quick stop at the commissary and JJ was great! He demanded to go to the bathroom so off we trucked to the restroom. He was calm and really easy about the entire thing. He just walked alongside Hazel, who was beside me, and we bought bananas and skittles and headed back to the truck.

Leaving the commissary, completely calm and happy!

Off to church we went! I was to spend the morning in the 3-5 year old classroom with JJ and his Buddy Jenn. Our church has a special needs ministry and JJ is blessed to have Jenn by his side during Sunday School. Jenn is also our babysitter so she has lots of contact with JJ during the week. So, Kati spend some time training Jenn how to handle Hazel as well since I will not be in the classroom with JJ and Jenn on Sundays.

I cannot tell you how much respect I gained for the volunteers in the 3-5 year old class that morning. Wow, there is alot going on in there!! Hazel and JJ did great! JJ didn't fight the tether. He got to go play on the playground (unattached of course) and he had a blast.

After church we decided to go to Qdoba for lunch, Jenn joined us too. We went through the line, got our food and went to sit down. JJ sat on a chair and ate his lunch completely calmly. No trying to get down and run away, no tantrums, just peacefully eating his lunch.

After Qdoba, we decided to go to PetSmart to allow the boys to each make a tag for Hazel's collar. Here was the first major issue with JJ. He wanted to ride in the shopping cart (where Elliott was) and he couldn't because he was tethered to Hazel. However, the tantrum he threw was very mild. Kati and I talked him through it, giving him choices of what he wanted to see and we decided that the tags could wait. Part of the problem turned out that JJ didn't want to walk with Josh and Elliott. Once he told them to go a different way, he was fine! We even ended up picking out tags for Hazel's collar and JJ got to choose the font and he had so much fun watching his tag be engraved.

Back to the car we went and we went home for a rest. This was a big day for all of us and we decided to end while everything was going so smoothly. We did decide to meet up again for dinner with Kati. JJ wanted to go to Outback and so off we went. Again, he sat on his chair for the duration of the meal with no complaints, no attempts to get down, no tantrums. He was happy doing a word search with Josh and singing to himself.

I wanted to cry so many times today but not from frustration. It was such a JOY to see my son enjoying himself like any other child could. It was beautiful to watch and after the boys were in bed that night, Hazel and I spent some time cuddling on the couch. It was my way of thanking her for the normalcy that she has brought to our lives.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Josh's day!

Kati arrived safely from Oregon and met up with us on Saturday morning. Kati and I actually had a chance to meet with a family here on Ft. Carson who has recently submitted an application for a service dog from ASDA and it was so neat to share with them and also allow them to meet Hazel!

Kati followed me back to the house and Josh was waiting for us. This was to be his first day of handling Hazel and we were both pretty excited to see how this would go. Our amazing babysitter took the boys to the zoo for the day and so it was just Josh, Kati and me with Hazel.

We started at the mall, where I started off handling Hazel and passed it off to Josh. He did a great job! My husband is pretty amazing :). He had this instant confidence and comfort with Hazel and she responded really well to him. We walked around the mall and went through basic commands before heading to lunch.

After lunch we hit up Sportman's Warehouse (one of Josh's favorite places - mine too actually!) and Josh continued to do an amazing job! We bought Hazel another collar (that brings the total up to 3 haha) but we determined that since she is an Army pup now, she needed a pink camo collar!

We finished fairly early on Saturday and Kati hung out at our place until the boys came home so she could meet JJ and Elliott. She then left knowing that Sunday would be a big day as it is the first day of tether training for JJ.

Monday, March 18, 2013


Hazel and I returned home on a Saturday night and the following week was time for Hazel to adjust to our family and us to her. Elliott was fascinated by this big, warm, fluffy sister. JJ was more nonchalant about the entire thing.

Hazel took everything very much in stride. She was snuggly with everyone, happy with her food, her beds and her toys. She loved playing outside with her ball and was fascinated by rabbits. I knew that birds were a strong distraction for her but didn't realize that she would love rabbits too.

During this week, I was the only one allowed to "handle" Hazel. I took her for walks, fed her, played ball with her and worked with her in the community. Josh and the kids loved on her at home but Josh wasn't supposed to be working with her until Kati arrived from Oregon that Friday.

We did have a busy week. It was full of therapy appointments, school for JJ and even a trip to Denver to visit the boys Neurologist. Hazel was a champ through all of it. There is a huge difference in her when she is working and when she is off-duty and it's a beautiful transition to watch. As soon as that pack comes off and she is told "Hazel, free!" she is rolling around on the ground on her back, running with her face on the carpet and generally just being a typical crazy dog! She loves chewing on her toys, has been amazing with leaving the boys things alone (including Lolly, JJ's alligator) and has just been so much fun to have in the house.

We are working on the not barking when people come to the door. I'm hoping that will begin to die out as she gets used to the number of people that come into our house in a week. However, I will say this that as a military wife, I appreciate a dog that will bark, especially one with a big bark like my girl Hazel. On Monday morning, she even barked at Josh as he came back from a run early in the morning. I thought it was pretty funny because he quickly turned the bedroom light on so she could see who he was but she didn't really know him at this point. She has since stopped barking when he comes home from work.

Hazel definitely has a curiosity about the family. She is very funny when I'm playing with the boys. My boys love to be tickled and they love having us blow raspberries on their stomachs (they ask for "belly!" all the time!) but Hazel just stands over us while we are doing it and she just has this look of "what on earth are you doing to them!?" on her face. She's pretty funny and we are completely enamored with her.

Elliott sharing his toys with Hazel.

JJ seems pretty easy about Hazel coming everywhere. He still doesn't fully realize what her role will be yet. We are not beginning tethering until Kati arrives but he does understand holding on to the handle of Hazel's pack. He likes doing that and even without tethering we have seen a change in him. When we went to see the boys Neuro in Denver, we stopped at Red Robin on the way home and instead of putting JJ in a high chair, we allowed him to sit on the bench next to Daddy with Hazel on the floor at his feet. JJ was restless but there was no bolting or sliding off the seat! This gave me so much hope for the future for JJ, I hope that Hazel will give him an independence that will extend even to eating in a restaurant, or walking calmly with us when we are out shopping.

Hazel has learned the comfortable areas in our home. She loves snuggling with me in the mornings on our bed, she will curl up on the couch with me at night to watch a movie after the boys are in bed, but she minds her manners still and will wait to be invited up on the furniture. She does sleep overnight on her bed in our room still because we don't want her to get too used to being on our bed when eventually we hope she will sleep with JJ.

Over all the first week of adjustment has gone very very well and we are thrilled with it. Soon, we begin training with Kati here in Colorado Springs and I'm very excited to see how tether training goes!