Wednesday, June 19, 2013

A few of my favorite things

Now that we've had Hazel as part of our family for 3 months, I figured it's safe for me to highlight a few of our furkid's quirky little traits. Now before people roll their eyes at me calling her a furkid, I often refer to her as my blonde, furry daughter but I am well aware that she is not a child. Nor do we treat her like one (okay she may have three collars but she doesn't have a college fund! besides, she's already been to grad school!).

So for your reading pleasure, here are my top 5 favorite things about Hazel Lyn Proffitt (yes, we gave her a middle name, some of you will recognize it). 

5. Hazel Snuggles.

4. Hazel Burps. No picture to accompany this one, but many people don't know that Hazel's alternate name in our family is Burpee. Not because she loves to exercise (although she does) but because 4-6 times a day, while just wandering around or laying down, she'll burp. And not a little burp. It's more of a belch. Not very ladylike but that's not a word we'd always use to describe Hazel anyways.

3. Hazel's funky sleeping positions.
I give you Exhibit A

And exhibit B

2. Hazel's smile
I mean who could resist this face!?
And the #1 reason, I love my Hazel girl is... she loves her boy.

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