Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Things I never knew about having a service dog

We're coming up on our one year dogiversary with Hazel and I've been really looking back at all the changes in our life. Somethings have surprised me about having Hazel with us. We've had many blessings (some of which have been chronicled here) and we've had a few struggles but through it all we've had lots of love and humor with our girl. Here are a couple things that I didn't know would happen before Hazel joined our family.

1. Your coat, purse and even jeans pockets become squirrel holes for dog treats.

We have a running joke that if we ever get stranded anywhere we'll have lots of dog food to eat. I carry the same cross body bag everywhere since Hazel joined our family, in the outer pocket is Hazel's treat bag. Somehow though, her treats seem to turn up everywhere. I put my winter parka on the other day (it was -8 or something ridiculous like that) and lo and behold there were dog treats in the pocket!! Haven't worn that coat in almost a year.... yeah. I have found them in the center console in the car, in my jeans pockets, vest pockets, purses and even in the glove compartment. Dog treats seem to breed like rabbits. :)

2. Dog hair becomes fashionable.

Being a retriever, Hazel has fur. Lots of fur, and hair. I have finally conceded the battle. The hair wins. I've stopped using a lint roller and instead I just roll with it. Heaven help me if I have to lay on the carpet. I love my Dyson vacuum but even that can't get all her hair off the floor. Picking Dog hair off sweaters, or out of JJ's hair has just become a matter of course in our house and JJ even picks hair off his brother. Now, before you think I have a filthy house, I don't. Hazel just sheds. Lots.

3. Allergies become bearable.

I've known for years that I'm allergic to dogs and cats. But I'm also allergic to about 10 different trees, 4 different molds and so many other things. When we were waiting on Hazel, people constantly asked me if we were going to ask for a hypo-allergenic dog. My response was always "no. I want the dog that is best for JJ and not the best for my allergies". Allegra has become a part of my daily routine and has been since before Hazel arrived. Allergies become even more bearable when the "allergen" snuggles up in bed with you, burps in your face, and keeps your son safe.

4. How much JJ relies on her.

Every morning, JJ gets out of bed, come running out to the kitchen and say good morning to me, then he immediately goes to where Hazel is sleeping on her bed and says good morning to her. It could be a pat, a hug or even a kiss (rarely) but he greets her every day. The other night, we had a terrible windstorm blow through bringing snow with it. The wind kept me awake most of the night and JJ woke up around 2am upset and worried about the weather. He wanted Hazel. Hazel hasn't been sleeping in his room because she wakes up when Josh's alarm goes off at 5am, she gets up and shakes and that typically wakes JJ up. JJ up at 5am is not good. But because JJ was so upset about the weather, we moved Hazel's bed in beside his and he slept with her by his side. Every night before he goes to bed JJ will ask us "I can have sleepover?". Hazel's bed has stayed in JJ's room. Josh lets her out every morning when his alarm goes off and then she'll come sleep with me on our bed until I get up after 6am. But JJ wants her with him and I'm not gonna say no.

5. How much we love her.

She's ridiculous and funny. She's big and has big paws. She's loud and obnoxious (when it comes to her ball play time!) and generally the biggest love we have ever met. She's smiley, she's silly. She's a goof, she's fuzzy and she's the biggest lap dog you'll ever meet. But she's ours. She's JJ's safety net. She's his safe place and his constant. But most importantly,

She's ours.

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